Viajar Fora da Inglaterra Na Pandemia
O verão chegou e não só os moradores da Inglaterra mas todo mundo está loooouuuco pra viajar! Eu confesso que não vejo a hora de colocar a mochila nas costas, pegar um avião e partir rolê!
Motivos não faltam para querer travel outside England: o calor tem chegado em até 29 graus (sim, dois dias chegaram a essa temperatura!). Pois a gente só pensa em estar aproveitando esse clima nas praias da Grécia, Itália ou na tão badalada Espanha.
July, the holiday season for children, parents and most people who choose to take their summer holidays and a gente pensa, onde ir fora da Inglaterra em época de Pandemia? Ent A única coisa em mente é pegar o avião e ir para uma praia bem boa, um suco bem gelado, enjoy the sea and the cool shade.
Porém, eu não quero ser a estraga prazer, mas tenho que dizer que nem tudo são flores minha gente. Em outras palavras, antes de partir, você precisa tomar algumas precautions to protect yourself now in this time of pandemic.
So, here's some information you need to know before you want to leave the land of the queen and go around:
1 – Check the rules of the country you want to go
É importante saber o que cada país está exigindo antes de você entrar, seja uma prova de que foi vacinado e/ou Teste negativo.
Nesse sentido, verificar se será necessário fazer quarentena na sua chegada, enfim, é essential you must be aware of the restrictions of each place you intend to go before de embarcar.
Como vou saber a restrição de cada lugar, Tina? Você pode verificar no site do governo de cada país ou em fontes confiáveis de informação.
>> Restrições para Brasileiros no Países da Europa <<
2 – Check if the country is on the Green List, Amber List or Red List
What are these lists, Tina? These lists are separated according to countries and territories that are at more or less risk of covid, and they tell you what you should do, according to where you went, before arriving in England.
- If the country you want to visit is in the Green List, you need to take the PCR Test no more than 3 days before entering the UK, present proof at immigration and take another test on the 2nd OR the 8th post arrival.
- If you want to go to some territory of the Amber List e tiver tomado as duas doses da vacina e for residente de UK, assim como na Lista Verde.
- Então, você também precisa fazer o Teste PCR no maximum 3 days before entering in the UK, present proof at immigration and take another test on the 2nd OR the 8th post-arrival (this does not apply to France).
- Se você não tomou as two doses of vaccine and want to go to some territory of the Amber Listyou will need to take the PCR Test no more than 3 days before entering the UK, present your proof to immigration and take another test on the 2nd, the 8th post-arrival and be quarantined at home for 10 days.
- It is not recommended that you travel now to the red list countries and not return from it (unfortunately Brazil is still on this list, see here), but if you still need to go, in return you must comply hotel quarantine where it is recommended to schedule 10 days before arriving in England on this site here.
- And last but not least, fill in a form and hand it in with your negative immigration test the day you arrive in England.
The lists are changed in real time according to the improvement or deterioration of each country and territory, below are the countries listed in the Green List:
Antarctica / British Antarctic Territory – at risk of switching from green to amber
Antigua and Barbuda – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
Barbados – at risk of switching from green to amber.
Bermuda – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
British Indian Ocean Territory – at risk of switching from green to amber.
Bulgaria – Changed to the green list at 4 am, Monday, July 19th. If you arrive in England before then, follow the rules on the amber list.
Cayman Island – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
Croatia – Changed to the green list at 4 am, Monday, July 19th. If you arrive in England before then, follow the rules on the amber list.
Dominica – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
Granada – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
Hong Kong – changed to the green list at 4 am, Monday, July 19th. If you arrive in England before then, follow the rules on the amber list.
Israel and Jerusalem – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
Madeira – at risk of turning from green to amber. Mainland Portugal and the Azores are on the amber list.
Montserrat – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands – runs the risk of turning from green to amber.
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
Taiwan – Changed to the green list at 4 am, Monday, July 19th. If you arrive in England before then, follow the rules on the amber list.
Turks and Caicos Islands – at risk of switching from green to amber.
As listas são atualizadas em tempo real de acordo com a melhora ou piora de cada país e território, segue abaixo os países que constam na Amber List:
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius e Saba
British Virgin Islands – moved to Amber List at 4am on Monday, July 19th
Cook Islands, Tokelau and Niue
The Occupied Palestinian Territories
Portugal (including Azores) – Madeira is on the green list.
Spain – including the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands (Formentera, Ibiza, Majorca, Menorca) The Balearic Islands were added to the amber list at 4 am on Monday 19 July. The Canary Islands and mainland Spain were already on the amber list.
Saint Martin and Saint Bartholomew
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
3 – Keep social distance and take care of yourself!
Não é porque vai viajar que precisa se descuidar, pois mesmo que você vai a passeio, curtir as férias, a pandemia infelizmente ainda não acabou. Então, all care and protection it never hurts: wear a mask, always wash your hands, carry around with alcohol gel in your pocket, avoid clumps and avoid touching surfaces that everyone has touched, so you take care of yourself and help take care of yours. ❤
E que tal poder viajar para todos esses países e muitos outros pagando menos do que imagina?
Pensando nisso, desenvolvi a Mentoria para Viajar Gastando Pouco, curso em que ensino passo-a-passo tudo o que você precisa saber para conseguir viajar para vários lugares do mundo sem precisar gastar uma fortuna. Já viajei para mais de 30 países, e quero ajudar você a conseguir realizar a viagem dos sonhos.
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