Como Viajar Com Seu Pet Para A Inglaterra
A maioria das pessoas morre de vontade de viajar, aproveitar as férias para conhecer lugares, vivenciar outra cultura. Contudo quem é mãe ou pai de 4 patas por vezes se pergunta: será que consigo levar meu animalzinho comigo?
If your trip is shorter, the best thing to do is to compare veterinary hotel accommodation costs no Brasil com os custos de trazer seu pet para a Inglaterra. Pois, por vezes não acaba compensando o gasto todo, dependendo da sua escolha. Porém, se você tem certeza que quer mesmo que ele venha contigo, read this post until the end and know what you need to know and do to bring your pet to England.
Nesse post, conto detalhadamente como você pode viajar com seu pet para a Inglaterra. Em outras palavras, ethis method is applicable for those who want to visit the country or simply take their pet to live with you in the UK.
Well, if you are going to come to England and you want to bring your pet, first you need to anticipate all the processes, because everything takes a certain amount of time.
On the website of Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil shows the main requirements for traveling with a dog to some of the most sought after destinations by Brazilians, including the United Kingdom. According to this information, I briefly counted the necessary procedures to bring your pet to England.
The process starts with the microchip no seu pet, você precisará fazer uma pesquisa na sua cidade de veterinários, pois deverá ser alguém que esteja apto a fazer esse tipo de implantação. Do mesmo modo, esse tipo de serviço geralmente tem o valor variando entre 150 to 200 Brazilian real. Normalmente, a colocação do microchip é na nuca do seu pet e você vai receber um atestado com o número do microchip com todas as informações incluídas. Assim como: nome, raça, idade, histórico de doenças e os dados do tutor do pet.
You must have your pet microchipped before or at the same time as the rabies vaccination. If not, your pet will need to be vaccinated again.
In government website from the UK has all the information and some rules of what is needed to bring your pet to the Land of the Queen.
Para pets vindo do Brasil, ele se encontra numa lista não “listada” (no site do governo inglês mostra quais países estão listados ou não). Eso, after having passed the 30 days of the vaccine, it is necessary to have a blood test to make sure your pet is free of rabies. This exam can only be performed in laboratories accredited by the European Union, where in Brazil there are only these specific laboratories in Sao Paulo. Your veterinarian collects the sample and sends it to the accredited place. But beware, the sample must be collected at least 3 months before your trip.
Blood test results should show that the vaccination had a rabies antibody level of at least 0.5 IU/ml.
Then ask the veterinarian for your pet's health certificate, in this link here has the model required to enter the UK. The animal has 10 days to board after the certificate issued. Once you enter the airport, the receiving officer must stamp and sign this certificate.
Just in case you take a dog, your pet will need worm treatment pelo menos cinco dias antes. Porém não menos de 24h antes do embarque, e isso deverá ser documentado. O principal ativo do vermífugo tem de ser Praziquantel ou equivalente.
Also, you will need sign a declaration stating that he is not transporting the animal for sale.
After you've organized the documentation part you might be asking yourself: can I bring my pet with me? And the answer is it depends.
Here in the UK animals cannot travel on a commercial flight, so they can enter here in two ways:
- They can enter as load or
- Go to Paris, Brussels or Amsterdam, where you are allowed to fly with animals and you can enter the UK by car. You can find out more on the Facebook groups or find out who makes this type of transfer that takes your pet to you in the UK, by car or van, if you are already in the land of the queen.
If you choose load, you can't do it yourself, it's necessary hiring a carrier responsável pelo envio do seu pet. Juntamente com o Ministério da Agricultura, irão conferir a documentação e administrar o embarque do seu bichinho de estimação.
The carrier you hire will need a notarized power of attorney, it is recommended to inform yourself in advance.
The Brazilian carrier will be responsible for the procedures and dispatch from Brazil e normalmente elas indicam uma empresa do Reino Unido para se encarregar do recebimento do seu pet. Assim sendo, quando ele chegar na terra da rainha, recomenda-se antecipar quanto aos custos e arrival date scheduling.
You must be asking yourself: is it safe and comfortable for my pet to travel this way?
Eu, particularmente, indico que faça uma boa pesquisa de contratação de serviços, até se sentir confiante e confortável na escolha. Bem como, são eles que ficarão responsible for your pet e quanto ao conforto da viagem. Porém não se preocupe, essas empresas são experientes e sabem como fazer para que seu animalzinho de estimação travel safely and with as little discomfort as possible.
And an extra tip: do not book the trip on weekends, on these days the cost increases by around 30% and the release of your pet in England may take longer because demand is greater on weekends. See more how to buy cheap tickets here.
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Tina, but which compartment should I take my pet?
The contracted carrier will give you instructions on the box (kennel)) adequada para transportar o seu animal de estimação. Nesse sentido, essa caixa deve seguir padrões de medidas pela IATA, International Air Transport Association, where it must have the ability to allow the animal to stand up and have space for the animal to walk 360 degrees inside the box. Remembering that it is not allowed to take any type of toy, pillow or the like in the cage, only your pet.
I recommend that you purchase the object in advance and get your pet used to it some time before the trip, as this helps reduce the stress of in-flight confinement.
What you can to do before the trip to make your pet more comfortable?
Days before the trip, prepare the food for your pet very light, always leave water available and on the day of departure, at most, two hours before.
During the flight, your pet is not allowed to feed, however it is possible to place a water bowl attached to the box.
Take your pet for a walk before going to the airport and also when you get there, time before boarding, so it helps to calm down.
Heads up: the use of sedation or any type of tranquilizer is totally discouraged by IATA and by veterinarians, because due to the altitude, these medications can have more potentiated side effects.
And what the what cost will I have with this whole process?
I confess it's not cheap, but with planning and time it's possible to have your pet at your side venturing into the UK with you. you need to make a very detailed research of companies and put in the budget, but here's an approximate idea of the expenses:
- Microchip ranges on average from R$180.00
- Rabies vaccine R$90.00
- Blood Test R$300.00
- Medical Certificate R$60.00
- Box (Kennel) from R$400.00, depending on dimensions
- Brazilian carrier $1400.00
- English carrier £250.
Having planning in advance, patience and perseverance, it is totally possible to bring your pet with you here in England and enjoy the best adventures in the English land together with your pet.
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